/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
anti war


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Sites 25-32 of 39

Welcome to Your Portal for Infinite Possibility
  There is nothing wrong with our world, we are just having a weird conversation - Reclaim the conversation. Our New World Order is Love!
Big Big Planet
  Opinions from around the world on events happening around the world. There's enough stupidity here to fill a planet.
Churchill Bust
  A slow burning campaign, seeking to confront the British Government regarding the loan of a Bust of Winston Churchill to George Bush by Tony Blair shortly after Bush took office. The site takes offence at the Bush/Blair conspiracy to defraud the Britis
Silicon Creative
  Collection of anti-war DVD covers and other Bush art!
Findhorn West Intentional Community
  A retirement community forming in far West Texas for other old hippies and peace-minded folk, using papercrete domes for inexpensive housing.
  Maintain Momentum & Celebrate Unity
  This site is dedicated to shattering the myths surrounding the selective slavery system and building mass civil disobedience to stop the draft before it starts.
The World Mind Society
  YOU ARE HERBY INVITED To a website, a collection of writings and an international coalition, to change the course of humanity

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