/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
i am a donut
  the usual incoherent opinionated nonsense and ramblings
Silicon Creative
  Collection of anti-war DVD covers and other Bush art!
Acosta. Art and human rights
  Art can be a metaphysical desire, an aesthetic experience, a creation of forms or ideas that symbolize human emotions. We are in favour of all that, but the human manifestation can be at the same time sublime singing...
  $o how much doe$ it all co$t ?
zero dimension autonomous zone
  anarchist site that is against war,poverty,and any oppression of the working class.
Pro-Troops, Anti-War, Anything But Bush 2004
  A fun, interactive, grassroots forum that will serve as the true voice of the people. We are a community where activists and pissed off people can sound off and express their feeling in a creative and artistic way
The Evil Atheist Page
  Political, social and religious satire. Commentary on the state of the U.S. and our involvement with other countries. An Anti-G.W.B. site.
  We provide information and links about liberal issues, and an opportunity for outhers to publish their own opinions/works.

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