/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Kid Koma
  @mind@maze@ @web@soup@ @net@kitsch@ @no@designers@
Agusto's Website
  Contains essays and arguments from Anti-War supporters. Anti-War Campaign at Virginia Tech.
UNCLE SAM'S AUNTIE (anti-war quotes quiz)
  Test your peacenik cred with over 40 quotes. A companion to UP AGAINST THE WAR. Add US AUNTIE to your web page.
  Free mind. Free people. Free culture - no repression, no war, no occupation.
dimos dimitriou
  still dreaming on ideas? oh! come on!!!!! stop it !!!
Ursine Logic
  The ramblings and artwork of a crazy old woman who believes in Peace, Nature, the power of Love, and the lessons found in creatures who have fur and abundant love to share with the planet...unconditionally.
  Cutting through fog, exposing lies, and unraveling the Media-Industrial Complex.
The Making of Balkan Wars: The Game
  This is not a game. The exhibition will take place in the fall of 2003 in Thessaloniki, and will travel to Bucharest and other cities.

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