/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ASCII Arts Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Nero's ASCII Art Page
  Looking for ASCII Art Explanations or Examples? Then Click on my link. I have some of my own pictures and links to the best ASCII pages I could find. EnJoY -~:{ NERO }:~-
ASCII Art Generator and Pictures
  ASCII Art Generator and Gallery. Convert image files to ASCII or view ASCII art. Categories include cartoon characters, animals, angels, peoples, sport, animations.
ASCII Art Enterprise NCC-1701, c. 1974
  ASCII Art Enterprise NCC-1701, c. 1974
ASCII Art Dictionary (Andreas Freise)
  A large collection of Ascii pictures by various artists. Some of my own art, some ASCII animations and of course information, links, etc.
Nerd Boy
  A daily updated on-line ASCII comic strip.
Sherry's Corner
  A collection of my sketches, drawings, and doodles.
ASCII of Mass Destruction
  An artist's interpretation of Iraqi nuclear research documents released by the U.S. government.
Les Caribouteries
  Containing both ASCII comics (called "Caribouteries") and cartoons (called "Mangaribous"), this 99.5% French site displays a whole set of ASCII arts all dedicated to one thing : the Caribou (yes, the animal) !

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