/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ASCII Arts Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
ASCII Art Dictionary (Andreas Freise)
  A large collection of Ascii pictures by various artists. Some of my own art, some ASCII animations and of course information, links, etc.
ASCII Sandbox
  Random ASCII drawings, including animated GIF and JMOV ASCII movies. It's really a swell little spot, and now with 50% less calories!
Icontext and other works
  Icontext is an online art project that lets you make your own ASCII images. There's also an archive.
  A website that emalglobaltes everything that exists in ASCII including art, programming, history, articles, techniques and tutorials and the likes.
ASCII Art by Sebastian St
  A collection of my ASCII Art pictures which I posted in de.alt.rec.ascii-art
Gridworks Blog
  Art, ASCII drawings, video
Weird Wonderful Wacky World of Ascii Art
  Take a look, Enjoy yourself, Have fun.
PAT or JK's Text ASCII Art Generator
  An online web application that allows you to type in large ASCII Art text in real time.

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