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BUSH bush sucks SUCKS

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Sites 1-8 of 48

Kerry Doesn't Suck
  An essay/blog on Kerry, Bush and modern US politics. Funny,flippant. passionate and entertaining and completely biased.
Where the hell is my job George- The Yobo Report
  Commentary on looking for a job in this economy and living under the reign of stupid George Bush
  Liberal rants from the mind of an artist. Graze through my artwork and read my daily blog for everything liberal plus a little bit of fluff for the weekend.
The Greengig
  A journal of political firebranding: exposing the deadly lies of the Bush Regime
  Anti-Bush blog
  My rants on the state of our nation and other things.
  Finally, that liberal media bias you can't find anywhere else!
Daffodil Lane
  A little politics, a little life.

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