Like Perl, PHP can be used for things other than web development. But PHP was developed specifically as a scripting language for a WWW server, so it is has characteristics a that make it particularly suited to that purpose. PHP is interpreted (typically through an Apache module) by the Web server (sort of like a plug-in on the server side). PHP is easy to debug, because error messages return simply to the browser (rather than to the server's error log). The scripting is done in the context of HTML pages, so there's no bouncing back and forth to the cgi-bin. When you make an error in CGI script, it makes the server volatile, whereas PHP tends to be forgiving. A maximum execution time of 30 seconds is the default, so even a very badly written script will not slow down the server for long. PHP is a nicely structured language, like C or Lingo -- not as ideosyncratic as Perl -- and therefore relatively easy to teach. Since it is a server-side technology, once the script runs, it runs. It's not like Javascript, where the successful execution depends on the browser and version. Finally, in addition to becoming a very popular WWW scripting language, PHP can introduce designers and prospective webmasters to the more sophisticated techniques whereby industrial web content is delivered. PHP can be used, like Cold Fusion or ASP, to develop templates that are database driven. Most rapidly changing content on the web is in fact produced with some comparable scripting technique. PHP has the advantage of being 100% free and popular. -------------------- older: Perl can be used for things other than web development. PHP cannot. PHP is interpreted through an Apache module (sort of like a plug-in on the server side). Perl can be used (through Apache's mod_perl) without CGI -- ie. the Perl interpreter also can be imbedded in the web server, making it about as fast as PHP. Though this functionality is like PHP's, I find that PHP is easier to debug, because error messages return simply to the browser (rather than to the server's error log). The scripting is done in the context of HTML pages, so there's no bouncing back and forth to the cgi-bin. And when you make an error in a mod_perl script, it makes the server volatile (this is actually something that can be achieved with mod_perl, too, using suffix mapping instead of a centralized CGI bin). Having said all that, I still like Perl. The increasing speeds of CPU's are offset by the slightly slower performance of CGI. PHP is a more C/C++/Java like language, not as ideosyncratic as Perl, but there are positive aspects to that ideosyncracy once it's learned. My gut feeling is that people would pick up the PHP faster and it will be easier to debug. I like it. The question is how much (if at all) to get into Perl if we are going to cover PHP too.