ACF's Pico/Pine documentation


  Text Editor

     Pico is a full-screen, user-friendly text
editor.  Pico was developed for use with the
pine email client.  Pico is available on the acc,
sace and ktwu UNIX servers.

To start Pico:
$ pico

To start Pico without word wrap:
$ pico -w

To exit Pico:
^X--If changes have been made to the buffer,
     pico will prompt user to save

Pico commands:
     To execute one of the commands listed
on the bottom two lines of a Pico screen, press
and hold the Control key while tapping the
letter (NOTE:  It is NOT necessary to
capitalize the letter).
     Pico uses the line above the commands
to provide information and to request user

NOTE: ^T--Spell check is not currently

To get online help:
^G--This will provide online help for most Pico

Additional help files available by keying in at
the $ prompt:  help

To move within Pico:
The arrow keys move the cursor one position--
either to the right, left, up or down.

^A--Move to beginning of current line

^E--Move to end of current line

^Y--Move backward (up) one page

^V--Move forward (down) one page

To mark text:
^^--To mark text for cutting or deletion use
     (Control+^ (Shifted 6))

To cut and uncut text:
^K--Cuts marked text or if no text is marked
     cuts the current line
^U-Uncuts cut text, placing the text in the
     current cursor position

Other commands:
^O--Write Out-saves buffer to a file, without
     exiting pico

^J--Justify-formats the current paragraph
     (Useful when editing a buffer)

^R--Read File-reads the contents of a text file
     into the buffer  (Useful for including
     the text of one file into another)

^W-Where is-searches the current buffer for a
     text string

^C--Current Position-reports the cursor's
          current position within the bufferPINE/PICO